The perfect solution
is unique to you.

Exertus Financial Partners & Insurance Agency has developed the most powerful brands in the financial industries with only ONE GOAL. Reach and help more people, and more families to achieve financial freedom, protect their loved ones and build a financial legacy for future generations.


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Build Your Own Bank

Learn how to make money work for you and the secrets banks don't want you to know.

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770X Retirement Planning

The #1 Course to Land a Job in Design. All necessary tools are included.

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Live Exertus Opportunity

Register for our Live Event August 16th at 6pm PT. Learn how may people, just like you are partnering with Exertus.

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Let's figure out your best options together.

We are trained to find the best solutions and strategies for every individual or family's needs, goals and budgets. We will provide you with key financial education and help find programs and solutions that you can benefit from.